Thank you third grade parents for all your help with donations and volunteering for Colonial Day. Colonial Day is so much fun for third graders and is a great way for the kids to culminate the unit in social studies. All your help and support is greatly appreciated!
Wenham Museum |
Third graders have been very busy in science and have recently wrapped up scope 3. We compared life cycles of plants and mealworms and did some investigating of other life cycles. Currently, in scope 4 we are studying social and group behavior. We are thinking about how can living in a group help animal’s survival. The kids are enjoying all the engaging learning experiences and cooperative group work that goes along with each scope..
We just finished unit 3 in math which focused on the relationship between multiplication and division. We also learned about commutative property of multiplication, associative property, and distributive property of multiplication. Unit 4 focuses on place value, rounding to the nearest 10 and 100, and estimating sums and differences. This will help when we begin adding and subtracting with regrouping. Continue to study math facts in all four operations at home!
In writing, our lessons have focused on carefully going through the writing process and learning how to plan a piece of writing using a graphic organizer. Also, students are discussing and learning about the difference between editing and revising. Third graders have just been introduced to an editing checklist that will help guide them when looking for capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. We will also practice skills for revising written work.
During our readers workshop block we have begun a genre study of narrative nonfiction texts. Each day we have been reading a mentor text and students have been recording what elements and characteristics of this genre they notice. Also, the kids can read this genre on their own in class. To end our genre study we will ask the kids to write their own narrative nonfiction book using the key elements we have identified together as a class.